Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Bashishay LECTURES @ work in AFRICA

This is just to share to everyone the summary of the CPR and Rescue Breathing that I made to simply understand the techniques and sequence in order to provide the best possible emergency rescue in an unconscious victim whom can be a family member , relative ,a friend , neighbor or just a bystander.

When we get into an emergency situation where you don't know what to do is scary for an individual. Good thing that I had my BLS training from Rescue Academy as per 2010 American Heart Association last January 2013.

A registered nurse and emergency medical technician by profession . I've been teaching employees whom submitted themselves to learn and become first aiders here at my workplace . It is overwhelming that in the simplest modest way I have shared my knowledge and experiences in terms of emergency rescue.



1.      Assess for Consciousness by tapping the shoulders and loudly ask “Are you okay”, “Are you okay “? If No Answer
2.      Quickly check if the victim is breathing or having abnormal breaths.
3.       CHECK PULSE (  no more than 10 seconds )

NO BREATHING and NO PULSE                        

4.      Start immediate CPR , by positioning yourself at the victim’s side
5.      Make sure the victim is lying up on a firm flat surface
6.      Place the heel of one hand on the center of the victim’s chest on the lower half of the breastbone
position your hands on the victim's chest at the lower half of the breast bone

7.      Place the heel of other hand on top of the first hand

Place the heel of one hand on the victim's chest and the other hand on top

8.      Straighten your arms and position your shoulders directly over your hands
Straighten your arms and position your shoulders directly over your hands. Push hard and fast

9.      PUSH HARD AND PUSH FAST. Press straight down on the victim’s breastbone at least 2 inches ( 5 cm ) with each compression . Deliver compressions at a rate of at least 100/min.
10.  After each compression , allow the chest to recoil completely and minimize interruptions
11.   Check for pulse ( no more than 10 seconds)every 2 minutes or after 5 cycles of 30 compressions 2 ventilations
12.   If PULSE is present. Position the victim in Recovery Position.


1.      Assess for Consciousness by tapping the shoulders and loudly ask “Are you okay”, “Are you okay “? If No Answer
2.      Quickly check if the victim is breathing or having abnormal breaths.
3.       CHECK PULSE ( no more than 10 seconds )

                                         NO BREATHING but WITH PULSE                                                                                                               ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATION

4.      Open the airway ( head tilt chin lift or jaw thrust)
5.      Pinch the nose closed with your thumb and index ginger (using the hand on the forehead.
6.      Take a regular (not deep) breath and seal your lips around the victim’s mouth, creating an airtight seal.
7.      Give 1 breath every 5 to 6 seconds (Count 1, 1001 , 1002 , 1003 , 1004 , 1001 up to 1024 ) providing 10 -12 breaths per minute (  Watch for chest to rise )
8.      After 2 minutes, check pulse (no more than 10 seconds)
9.      If the breathing is present. Position the victim in recovery position and provide oxygen and comfort.


Demonstration of Heimlich Maneuver 

Recovery Position

That's only the first batch and the next group will be in weeks time . Looking forward for more trainings to our employees. Aja ! aja! Fighting!!!

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